Who Was Who? In the Middle Horizon - Vitae for Patricia Jean Knobloch



Patricia Jean Knobloch, 9229 Dillon Drive, La Mesa, CA 91941
Research Associate, Institute of Andean Studies, Berkeley


1983 PhD SUNY-Binghamton in Anthropology
1988 MLIS UC-Berkeley in Library and Information Science
1976 MA SUNY-Binghamton in Anthropology
1973 BA SUNY-Binghamton in Anthropology
1971 AA Auburn Community College


As a librarian and archaeologist, by documenting the undocumented lives of ancient people to promote recognition of ancestral identity and homage to ancestral endeavors that will enhance the world view of Andean achievements.


1972 Cedar Mesa Project (Utah), field school student. William Lipe and R.G. Matson, directors. Museum of Northern Arizona.

1973 Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff; laboratory assistant (winter/spring).

1973 Cedar Mesa Project (Utah), Summer Assistant Fellowship. William Lipe and R.G. Matson, directors. Museum of Northern Arizona.

1973-74 Graduate Assistant (William H. Isbell), SUNY Binghamton.

1974 Reconnaisance project to southern Peru and Middle Horizon site of Jincamocco and Huari directed by William Isbell; graduate student co-worker with Katharina Schreiber.

1975-1977 Binghamton University's Public Archaeology Facility (PAF); lab director, and crew supervisor on CRM projects. Teaching, cataloging, curation, coding for computer storage, and expansion of laboratory facilities.

1977 Conference chair for 'Annual Problems in Anthropology Series' sponsored by the Anthropology Graduate Organization: "The Impact of Cultural Resource Management and Economic Development on Anthropology".

1977 PAF exhibit at Oakdale Shopping Mall on Northeastern Prehistoric Indigenous Culture.

1977 Information Booth Attendant: Otsiningo Indian Village rest area, Rt.81, Binghamton, NY.

1977-1978 Huari Urban Prehistory Project directed by William Isbell; lab director.

1974 - present: Personally funded, museum collection research and site visits include:
Amano Museum, Lima (1985) (2018);
American Museum of Natural History, New York (1994);
Castillo de Huarmey, Sechín, Chan Chan, Huaca de la Luna y El Dragon, El Brujo, Pachacamac (2018)
Cerro Baul, Moquegua (2015)
Conchopata and Huari, Ayacucho (1999, 2000, 2015, 2018)
Denver Art Museum (1985);
Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C. (1985);
Field Museum, Chicago (2002) - Max Uhle Pachacamac Collection;
Laboratorio de Arqueología, Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga (2000);
Mingei Internationa Museum, San Diego (2017). Exhibit. Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino (2007);
Museo Arqueológico de Ancash, Huaraz (2016);
Museo Arqueológico Padre le Paige in San Pedro de Atamaca, Chile (2007);
Museo del Sitio Wari, Ayacucho, Peru (2000, 2015, 2016);
Museo Enrico Poli Bianchi, Lima (2016);
Museo Historico Regional Hipolito Unanue, Ayacucho (2000, 2015); B
Museum of Man, San Diego (1988);
Museo Larco, Lima (2015);
Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú, Lima (1974, 1999, 2015);
Museo Regional de Arqueología Centro Cultural del INC, Ayacucho (2000); Ministerio de Cultura, Ayacucho (2015);
Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (1987);
National museums of Peru: Lima, Ayacucho and Huari (1999, 2000);
Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology, Berkeley;
Putnam Museum, Davenport - photo request (1985);
Stanford University museums, Hoover Institute and Anthropology Department (1989);
Syracuse University Art Collections (1983);
Wilcahuaín, Ichic Willkawain, Chavín de Huantar (2016)
Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History (1978) (2013) - Wendell C. Bennett Collection;


1985 NEH travel grant to Museums für Völkerkunde, Berlin and Münich.
1981 Binghamton University Dissertation Fellowship in Anthropology.
1973 Matthew Goldstein Award for outstanding undergraduate work in Anthropology, SUNY-Binghamton
1969-1976 New York State Regents Scholarships, TAP awards, SUNY-Binghamton Foundation Awards.
1969 Sally Pert Memorial Award, Jordan-Elbridge High School, New York


1994-2000 California Academic and Research Libraries Association, member.
1994-2000 Special Libraries Association, member; local chapter chair with recognition, 1998.
1980-present Institute of Andean Studies, member; Research Associate 1985-present, Program Chair 2002-2004, WebMaster 2002-2007.
1975-present Society for American Archaeology, member.
1973 Phi Beta Kappa, SUNY-Binghamton
1971 Phi Theta Kappa, Auburn Community College, New York.


2023 Partnering for Power: Castillo de Huarmey Relations with the Wari (Paper) Society for American Archaeology (88th,Portland, OR). Symposium: A Decade of Multidisciplinary Research at Castillo de Huarmey, Peru, chaired by Miłosz Giersz, Weronika Tomczyk and Patrycja Przadka-Giersz.

2022 Middle Horizon Players on the Wari Stage: Experimenting with Authority in the Andean World. (Paper) Society for American Archaeology (87th,Chicago, 3/30 - 4/3). Symposium: Re-Examining the Andean Middle Horizon from the Bottom Up, chaired by Veronique Belisle and Francesca Fernandini.

2022 Moche Midwife Agency and the Enigmatic Dipper (Poster) Institute of Andean Studies (62nd, UC-Berkeley, January 13-16).
Spanish translation of Poster

2019 Who Goes There? Social Network Analysis (SNA) of Middle Horizon (MH) Identity (Poster). (Co-authored: Patricia J. Knobloch (Institute of Andean Studies) (presenter), Elizabeth Gibbon (University of Toronto) and Justin Jennings (Royal Ontario Museum). Institute of Andean Studies (59th, UC-Berkeley, January 4-5).

2018 Clays of Time and Places: Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) of Huarpa and Wari pottery from the Ayacucho Valley (Paper). (Co-authored: Patricia J. Knobloch (presentar) (Institute of Andean Studies), Michael D. Glascock and Brandi Lee MacDonald (Archaeometry Laboratory, University of Missouri Research Reactor). Northeast Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory (37th, Binghamton University, NY).

2018 How to make a 4-cornered hat (gorro). (Demonstration with Doris Robles, Curadora). Amano: Museo Textil Precolombino, 16 de agosto. Lima, Peru.

2018 ¿Quién fundó Quilcapampa? Agentes, análisis de redes sociales y complejidades del estado Wari. (2018 SAA paper in Spanish). (Co-authored: Justin Jennings (presenter), Patricia Knobloch, Elizabeth Gibbon) I Congreso Internacional de Arqueología del Área Centro Sur Andina, 23-25 de agosto. Arequipa, Peru.

2018 Quién era Quién en el Horizonte Medio. Una Respuesta a partir de la iconografía Wari. (2018 IAS paper in Spanish). Guest speaker, Auditorio a la Casona Castilla y Zamora de Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga, 9 de agosto. Ayacucho, Peru.

2018 Who founded Quilcapampa? Agents, Social Network Analysis, and the Complexities of the Wari State (Paper). (Co-authored: Justin Jennings (presenter), Patricia Knobloch, Elizabeth Gibbon) Society for American Archaeology (83rd, Washington, D.C.)

2018 Following their footsteps: Revealing agency among the Wari (Paper). Institute of Andean Studies (58th, Berkeley)

2016 Who Were the Wari? (Paper). Northeast Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory (35th, Harvard University).

2013 Envisioning an empire: from ecstatic Huarpa shamans to divine Wari overlords (Paper). (Symposium in honor of Bill Isbell). Society for American Archaeology (78th, Honolulu, Hawaii)

2013 Crowns of Knots: four-cornered, 'pile' hats of the Middle Horizon (Poster). Institute of Andean Studies (53rd, Berkeley).
Re-edited version for public sharing: 4-Cornered Pile Hats

2012 El Señor Wari de Vilcabamba; Descripción e implicaciones (Paper). (Co-authored: Javier Fonseca S., Julinho Zapata R., William H. Isbell, and Patricia J. Knobloch). SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL “NUEVAS PERSPECTIVAS EN LA ORGANIZACIÓN POLÍTICA HUARI” 17 y 18 de Agosto, 2012. Auditorio del Departamento de Humanidades de la PUCP.

2012 New Kids on the Block (Agent 103 as Señor Vilcabamba, Espíritu Pampa) (Poster). Institute of Andean Studies (52th, Berkeley).

2011 Señor Wari de Vilcabamba (Paper) (Co-authored: Javier Fonseca S., Julinho Zapata R., William H. Isbell (presenter), and Patricia J. Knobloch) Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory (30th, Andover, MA)

2010 Divine Myths of Ancient Heroes in the Middle Horizon (Poster). Institute of Andean Studies (50th, Berkeley).

2008 All-seeing Eye: Lewis-Williams and Dowson entoptic model applied to the Andean Huarpa ceramic art of the Early Intermediate Period (Paper). Society for American Archaeology (73rd, Vancouver).

2007b There Goes the Neighborhood: Inclusion and Exclusion of Middle Horizon Altiplano Religion (Paper). Northeast Conference on Andean Archaeology and Ethnohistory (26th, Ithaca College).

2007a Founding Fathers: Their Quest and Conquest for Andean Identity (Fundadores: suya Busqueda y Conquista para Identidad Andino) (Paper). Dumbarton Oaks Colloquium, “The Southern Andean Iconographic Series”, chaired by William H. Isbell and Mauricio Uribe. (Universidad de Chile, Santiago).

2006 Quest or Conquest: An Andean Imperative to Appease Gods or Reconcile Kingdoms (Paper). Institute of Andean Studies (46th, Berkeley).

2001b Andean Archaeology Internet Research: A Vortal to the Past (Poster) (Co-presented: Patricia J. Knobloch and Bruce Harley). Society for American Archaeology (66th, New Orleans).

2001a Q'otakalli and Huarpa Pottery: Tracing the Origins of the Wari Cuzco Occupation (Paper). (Co-author: Mary Glowacki and Patricia J. Knobloch). Society for American Archaeology (66th, New Orleans).

2000b Cronología del contacto y de encuentros cercanos de Wari (Paper). III Simposio Internacional de Arqueología (18-20 agosto), Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

2000a High Priests and Common Feasts: Huari ritual use of Anadenanthera colubrina (Paper). Institute of Andean Studies (40th, Berkeley).

1999 Huari: Putting the Cosmo in Cosmopolitan (Paper). Society for American Archaeology (64th, Chicago).

1997 It's 650 A.D. Do you know where your cultures are? (Paper). Institute of Andean Studies (37th, Berkeley).

1994 Adapting to the Emerging Role of Wari Leadership (Paper). Society for American Archaeology (59th, Anaheim).

1993 Who Was Who in the Huari Empire (Paper). Institute of Andean Studies (33rd, Berkeley).

1991 Huari and Nieveria: A reassessment of coastal and sierra interaction (Paper). Institute of Andean Studies (31st, Berkeley).

1987 The Nasca Legacy (Paper). Society for American Archaeology (52nd, Toronto).

1986 Development of Huari Iconography: The Adoption of Ancient Symbols (Paper). Institute of Andean Studies (26th, Berkeley).

1983 Huarpa Style Ceramics as Indicators of Early Huari Culture (Paper). Institute of Andean Studies (23rd, Berkeley).

1982 Ceramic Style and Chronology at Huari, Peru (Paper). Society for American Archaeology (47th, Minneapolis).

1981 The Huari Transition: Exchange and Integration of Stylistic Information (Paper). Institute of Andean Studies (21st, Berkeley).

1976 A Consideration of Geomorphic Variables in Maximizing Information Retrieval at Direct Adverse Impact Sites (Paper). Northeastern Anthropological Association (Middletown, Conn).

1975 Diachronic versus Synchronic Interpretation of the Huarpa Ceramic Style during the Early Intermediat Period (Paper). Society for American Archaeology (40th, Dallas).


2024 Who Founded Quilcapampa? Agents, Social Network Analysis, and the Creation of the Wari Horizon. Justin Jennings, Patricia Knobloch, and Elizabeth Gibbon (co-authors). Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture 6(1}: 20–46. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1525/lavc.2024.6.1.20.

2023 The shapes of things that were: applying Huarpa art (AD 250-700) to the Lewis-Williams and Dowson entoptic model for shamanism. Las formas de cosas que fueron: el arte Huarpa (250-700 DC) aplicado al modelo entóptico de Lewis-Williams y Dowson para el chamanismo. BOLETÍN DEL MUSEO CHILENO DE ARTE PRECOLOMBINO 28(1): 195-219, Santiago de Chile. DOI: https://doi.org/10.56522/BMCHAP.0030010280003

2022 Picking up the Pieces: Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) of Early Intermediate Period and Middle Horizon Pottery from Ayacucho, Peru. Patricia J. Knobloch, Michael D. Glascock and Brandi L. MacDonald (co-authors). doi.org/10.1080/00776297.2022.2097725
Ñawpa Pacha 42(2): 55-98. online accessed 08 Sep 2022

2022 Complicating an early state: a social network analysis of agents in Wari art (c. AD 700-850). Elizabeth Gibbon, Patricia Knobloch and Justin Jennings (co-authors). Antiquity 96(387): 646-661.

2021 The Ecuadorian Huancavilcas and Middle Horizon Spondylus trade. In: Wari: Nuevos Aportes y Perspectivas, edited by José Ochatoma Paravicino y Martha Cabrera Romero, pp. 111-130. Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga, Ayacucho, Perú.

2018 Founding Fathers of the Middle Horizon: Quests and Conquests for Andean Identity in the Wari Empire. In: Images in Action: The Southern Andean Iconographic Series, edited by William H. Isbell, Mauricio I. Uribe, Anne Tiballi and Edward P. Zegarra, pp. 687-720. UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, Los Angeles.

2016 La vida y los tiempos de El Señor Wari de Vilcabamba: cronología e identidad del Agente 103 en el imperio Wari durante el Horizonte Medio. In: Nuevas Perspectivas en la Organizacíon Política Wari edited by Miłosz Giersz y Krzysztof Makowski.Andes: Boletín del Centro de Estudios Precolombinos de la Universidad de Varsovia 9 (2013): 91-119. Contact author for English draft.

2013 Tiwanaku's Coming of Age: Refining Time and Style in the Altiplano. In: Visions of Tiwanaku, edited by Alexei Vranich and Charles Stanish, pp. 211-233. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press.

2013 Unraveling the mysteries. HALI 176:88-95.

2013 El Poder Ritual de Wari en Conchopata: Una Interpretación de la Iconografía de la Anadenanthera Colubrina [Wari Ritual Power at Conchopata: An Interpretation of Anadenanthera Colubrina Iconography]. Culturas Sostenibles desde la Peripheria (Huaraz), 15(año 5):54-61.

2012 Archives in Clay: The Styles and Stories of Wari Ceramic Artists. In: Wari: Lords of the Ancient Andes, edited by Susan E. Bergh, pp.122-143. New York: Thames & Hudson. pdf

2010 La imagen de los Señores de Huari y la recuperación de una identidad antigua. In: Señores de los Imperios del Sol, edited by Krzysztof Makowski, pp.196-209. Lima: Banco de Crédito.
[English version with corrections]

2009 [1991] Datación estilística de la cerámica de los centros Huari. In: Conchopata: Revista de Arqueologia, 2 edited by Ismael Pérez Calderón and Luis Valle Alvarez, pp. 119-144. Ayacucho, Peru: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales,Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga.
Spanish translation by Ismael Pérez Calderón of 1991 article

2009 SAIS - The Origin, Development, and Dating of Tiahuanaco-Huari Iconography, (co-authored with William H. Isbell). In: Tiwanaku: Papers from the 2005 Mayer Center Symposium a the Denver Art Museum, edited by Margaret Young-Sánchez, pp.165-210. Denver: Denver Art Museum.

2006 Missing Links, Imaginary Links: Staff God Imagery in the South Andean Past, (coauthored with William H. Isbell). In: Andean Archaeology III: North and South, edited by William H. Isbell and Helaine Silverman, pp. 307-351. New York: Springer.

2005 Monkey Saw, Monkey Did: A Stylization Model for Correlating Nasca and Wari Chronology. Andean Past, 7:111-134. Contact author for .pdf reprint at: huarpa@cox.net

2003 Tradition Summary: Huari. (co-authored: PJK and Sarah Berry). New Haven, Conn.:HRAF [ http://ehrafarchaeology.yale.edu/document? ]

2001 La Cronología del Contacto y de Encuentros Cercanos de Wari. In: Huari y Tiwanaku: Modelos vs. Evidencias, Primera parte, edited by Peter Kaulicke y William H. Isbell, pp.69-87. Boletín de Arqueología PUCP, No.5. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

2001 Huari. In: Encyclopedia of Prehistory, Volume 7: South America, pp.138-149, edited by Peter N. Peregrine and Melvin Ember. New York: Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers.

2001 Quipu: a vortal dedicated to researchers of Andean archaeology (co-authored with Bruce Harley). The New Review of Information Networking 7:213-219.

2001 The Postmodern Conditions: Students, the Web, and Academic Library Services, (co-authored with Bruce Harley and Megan Dreger). Reference Services Review, 29(1):23-32.

2000 Wari Ritual Power at Conchopata: An interpretation of Anadenanthera Colubrina Iconography. Latin American Antiquity 11(4):387-402.

1994-2000 National University Library's Newsletter, Library Connection articles: NULS is ‘Teaming’ with Life; Internet: the Library without Brains; Close Encounters of the Trey Kind: Meeting Bill Gates; Bugs in a Rug, Peas in a Pod, Libraries in a System; Feeling Right at Home…@www.nu.edu/library; Is It True?; Information, Education and Opportunities: A Rose, Is A Rose, Is A Rose.

1991 Government Documents Reference Aid: An Expert System Development Project (co-authored with Bruce Harley). Government Publications Review, v.18: 15-33.

1991 Stylistic Date of Ceramics from the Huari Centers. In Huari Political Organization: Prehistoric Monumental Architecture and State Government, edited by William H. Isbell and Gordon F. McEwan, pp. 247-258. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks.

1989 Isabel Truesdell Kelly. In Homenaje a Isabel Kelly, edited by Y. González, pp. 10-21. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia.

1989 Artisans of the Realm: Art of the Wari Empire and Its Contemporaries. In Ancient Art of the Andean World, edited by S. Masuda and I. Shimada, pp. 107-123. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.

1988 Isabel Truesdell Kelly. In Women Anthropologists: A biographical dictionary, edited by U. Gacs, A. Khan, J. McIntyre and R. Weinberg, pp. 175-180. New York: Greenwood Press.

1983 A Study of the Andean Huari Ceramics of Middle Horizon 1. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, State University of New York, Binghamton. Contact author for .pdf version.

1977 Jordan Highway Project: Phase 1 Report. On file at Public Archaeology Facility, SUNY-Binghamton.

1976 A Study of the Huarpa Ceramic Style of the Andean Early Intermediate Period. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, State University of New York, Binghamton.
See Below: 1989 draft

1975 PIN 1357.01 Interstate-88 Archaeological Project: Fall Season Report, Chapter 11. Edited by Dr. Margaret Lyneis. On file at Public Archaeology Facility, SUNY-Binghamton.

ms (1973) Manual for Lithic Typology, Registry of Collections, Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, AZ.

Web Publications:

2017 (unpublished ms). Hannah Elizabeth “Betty” Holtzman (1939 – 1973): “shows real promise”.
Biographical sketch

2013b Unraveling the mysteries. HALI 176:88-95.

2012 Archives in Clay: The Styles and Stories of Wari Ceramic Artists. In: Wari: Lords of the Ancient Andes, edited by Susan E. Bergh, pp.122-143. New York: Thames & Hudson. PDF

2010 La imagen de los Señores de Huari y la recuperación de una identidad antigua. In: Señores de los Imperios del Sol, edited by Krzysztof Makowski, pp.196-209. Lima: Banco de Crédito. [English version]

2009 [1991] Datación estilística de la cerámica de los centros Huari. In: Conchopata: Revista de Arqueologia, 2 edited by Ismael Pérez Calderón and Luis Valle Alvarez, pp. 119-144. Ayacucho, Peru: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales,Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga.
Spanish translation by Ismael Pérez Calderón of 1991 article

2005 Monkey saw, monkey did: a stylization model for correlating Nasca and Wari chronology Andean Past 7:111-134.
Visit: article (pdf)

2001 Quipu:a vortal dedicated to researchers of Andean archaeology. (authored with Bruce Harley) The New Review of Information Networking 7:213-219.
Visit: QUIPUNRINarticle.html

1993 Who Was Who in the Middle Horizon. Paper given at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Andean Studies, Berkeley

1991 Huari and Nievería: a re-assessment of coastal and sierra interaction. Paper given at 31st Annual Meeting of the Institute of Andean Studies, Berkeley

1990 Christ Church 1840-1990 Jordan, New York.
Original Text for 125th Anniversary: Bessie Eunice (Hayes) Sharp; 2nd edition for 150th Anniversary: Eunice Jean (Sharp) Knobloch; HTML coding for WWW: Patricia Jean Knobloch.

1989a An Early Intermediate Period Deposit of Huarpa Style Ceramics from the site of Huari, Department of Ayacucho, Perú.
Knobloch 1976 MA thesis as unpublished draft

1989b Artisans of the Realm: Art of the Wari Empire and Its Contemporaries. In Ancient Art of the Andean World, edited by S. Masuda and I. Shimada, pp. 107-123. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.

1983 A Study of the Andean Huari Ceramics from the Early Intermediate Period to the Middle Horizon Epoch 1. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation State University of New York at Binghamton.
Visit: Knobloch1983.pdf


2000-present QUIPU: Dedicated to Researchers of Andean Archaeology. Updated monthly: recent news, conference announcements, funding and publishing opportunities, academic institutions, obituaries, web resources, reprints, project websites, e-journals, blogs, language aids and country profiles.

2002-present Who Was Who in the Middle Horizon Andean Prehistory. Research databases, analytical commentary and references.
Who Was Who

Free Consultation:

Though I have never held a professional, salaried position otherthan as a librarian (1990-2000), I am very honored that my Andeanist colleagues highly regard my expertise and gratefully acknowledge those who have asked me to collaborate, review, identify and/or date their material:
Aleksa Alaica, Pilar Alliende, Martha Anders, Rommel Angeles Falcon, Lloyd Anderson, Luz Antonio, Bar-Ami Artzi, Brian Bauer, Mario Benavides, Susan Bergh, Matthew Biwer, Wilbur Bolivar, Enrique Bragayrac, Karen Bruhns, Martha Cabrera, Luis Jaime Castillo, Patricia Chirinos, Warren Church, Christiane Clados, Amy Clark (SLAM), Alana Cordy-Collins, Colin Domnauer, Christopher Donnan, Peter Eckhout, María Eugenia Ruiz, Mary Frame, Robert Feldman, Andrew Flachs, Javier Fonseca Santacruz, Noémie Galland, Lynn Gamble, Jorge Gamboa, Miłosz Giersz, Mary Glowacki, Amy Grouleau, Paul Goldstein, János Gyarmati, Joerg Haeberli, Di Hu, William Isbell, Justin Jennings, Peter Kaulicki, Jonathan Kent, Greg Ketteman, Heidi King, Antti Korpisaari, Doris Kurella, Danielle Kurin, Ann Laffey, Kevin Lane, George Lau, Juan Leoni, Martin Mac Kay, Yuichi Mastumoto, Erik Marsh, Donald McClelland, Gordon McEwan, Frank Meddens, Charlene Milliken, Keith Muscutt, Donna Nash, Jason Nesbitt, Jeanette Nicewinter, Benjamin Nigra, Hide Nishizawa, Jose Ochatoma, Dennis Ogburn, Carolina Orsini (Museo delle Culture, Milano), Allison Paulsen, Roberto Pimentel, Victore Ponte, Denise Pozzi-Escot, Donald Proulx, Thomas Psota, Sergio Purini, Allyson Purpura, Jeffrey Quilter, Scott Raymond, Pablo Rendon, Michelle Rich (San Antonio Museum of Art), John W Rick, Ann Pollard Rowe, Chris Schaller, Katharina Schreiber, Izumi Shimada, Helaine Silverman, Nikki Slovak, Jessica Smeeks, Rebecca Stone, Katherine Ann Szremski, John Topic, Theresa Topic, Constantino Torres, Nicholas Tripcevich, Lidio Valdez, Kevin Vaughn, Alexei Vranich, Andrea Vazquez de Arthur, Shinya Watanabe, Patrick Ryan Williams, Verity Whalen, Barbara Wolfe.

Member of Public Societies: Zoological Society of San Diego; Sierra Club; Union of Concerned Scientists, Japanese Friendship Garden (San Diego Balboa Park).


English (native language); Spanish (fluent reading, writing, speaking); Hyper-Text Markup Language.


2002-2005, 2007: Palomar College Cabinet Furniture and Technology, fine woodworker:
[Clock & Wine Cabinet;
Mission Style Morris Chair innovation;
Mission style Settle with Billiard Table;
Cantilever Box;
Two-slat ladder-back chair with woven hickory bark seat;
Marquetry mirror on Mission style Hall Tree;
Tenor Ukulele, mahogany, rosewood, pineapple-shape head;

Last Updated:February 17, 2024